Congratulations to the recipients of the STEM 2014 Conference Paper Awards:
Restructuring a pre-service teacher mathematics education course to develop Mathematics Content Knowledge (MCK) and Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK).
Author(s): Kevin Michael Larkin
Affiliation: Griffith University, Australia
An Investigation of Secondary Science Students’ Engagement in a Science Inquiry through a Student–Scientist Partnership
Author(s): Michelle Lasena; Clifford Jacksona; Amy Beavana; Bryn Johnsonb; Robert Callinb
Affiliation: aJames Cook University; bEducation Queensland, Australia
Gender and Socio-Economic Gaps in Secondary Students’ Interest in Science-Related Tertiary Education: The case of Israel
Author(s): Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotina; Marina Milner-Bolotinb
Affiliation: aMunicipality of Ashdod, Israel, and the Institute for Immigration & Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Centre, Israel; bUniversity of British Columbia, Canada
Children’s perceptions of scientific objects through 2D vs. stereoscopic presentations in a museum
Author(s): Aaron Pricea; Hee-Sun Leeb
Affiliation: a Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago; b University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Analysing STEM 2.0 activities through the PISA scientific literacy framework: Findings of university students’ volunteering experiences in a developing country
Author(s): Vinesh Chandra; Andy Yeh
Affiliation: Queensland University of Technology, Australia
An integrated curriculum design strategy to Scaffold online training from the perspective of knowledge building
Author(s): Jinju Duan
Affiliation: Beijing Normal University, China
The Design and Application of the Mobile Educational Research Activity based on QR-code
Author(s): Zhi Zhou; Axi Wang; Ling Chen; Feng-Kuang Chiang
Affiliation: Beijing Normal University, China
Science Education Reform in Taiwan: Complex Interactions between Constructivist Teaching Approaches and Confucian Learning Traditions
Author(s): Ying Syuan Huang; Anila Asghar
Affiliation: McGill University, Canada
Argumentation Schemes: A window on International, Indigenous and Western Sciences
Author(s): Robert Anthony; Mijung Kim
Affiliation: University of Victoria, Canada
African knowledge on Endod (phytolacca dodecandra) and its potential for medicinal uses in Kenya
Author(s): Selline Ookoa, Samson Nashonb, David Andersonb, J. B. Okeyoa, Festus Berua, Peter Okemwaa
Affiliation: aMasinde Muliro University, Kenya; bUniversity of British Columbia, Canada
Village: Virtual Immersive Language Learning and Gaming Environment
Author(s): Yifei Wang
Affiliation: University of British Columbia, Canada
A cautious secondary school approach to the T in STEM
Author(s): P John Williams, Mathew Thomas
Affiliation: University of Waikato, New Zealand
Korean Elementary Student’s—Perception on STEAM Learning Opportunities (STEAM LO)
Author(s): Yumin Ahn, Won-Young Jung, Eun Ji Park, Seung-Urn Choe, Chan-Jong Kim
Affiliation: Seoul National University, South Korea
STEM Education for Sustainable Development: A Sociotechnical Analysis
Author(s): Tony Sahama, Deepthi Bandara
Affiliation: Queensland University of Technology, Australia